
Cultural Rights for a Tunisian-Spanish Bridge

Analysis and Reflections on Human Rights and Diversity in times of Growing Human Mobility

Beatriz Barreiro Carril, Gemma Carbó Ribugent (directors) and Costanza Piccione (coordinator)

This book has its origin in the project “A Tunisian-Spanish Bridge for Counteracting Violent Extremism and Xenophobia through the Right to Take Part in Cultural Life, financed by the European Cultural Foundation (ECF).

The idea behind this book, in line with the project, is to offer some tools which can contribute in the fighting of misconceptions concerning cultural identities and in the construction of inclusive societies. A more specific objective of this book is to contribute to the developing of a conceptual reflection on cultural rights and linked topics and to offer new ways for designing intercultural artistic education tools enabling interactions between young people and children of diverse cultures. The creation of the Cultural-Artistic Group Kasserine-Madrid, some of which results are included in this group, is an exemple of these tools.

The book is divided in three parts. The first one includes some of the contributions presented by experts in the field of Social Sciences and Law during two seminars organised with the support both of the ECF and of Rey Juan Carlos University. The second part gathers personal and artistic experiences presented or developed within this project. Finally, the third part includes the “Charter of Cultural Rights of Children” created and developed during this project as well.

Beatriz Barreiro Carril has a PhD in Human Rights (Carlos III University, Madrid) and a Master in Law of the European Union (Free University of Brussels). Beatriz is Lecturer of International Law at the Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid. She is a member of the Observatory of Diversity and Cultural Rights (Fribourg University).

Gemma Carbó is an expert in cultural policies and international cultural education. She is the Director of the Museum of Rural Life in l’Espluga de Francolí, Girona. She is the President of Inerarts and the co-founder of ConArte Internacional. She has a PhD in Education.

Costanza Piccione has a degree in Political Sciences and International Relations (Palermo University) and a Master in Cooperation to Development (Palermo University, El Manar University, Tunisia). She was a visiting researcher at Rey Juan Carlos University (Madrid). 

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